Omar Todd: Founder of the WikiLeaks Party

Omar Todd is a social media and cyber security executive, a Chief Technical Officer, Chief Information Officer, and filmmaker who was also one of the founders and a national council member of the WikiLeaks Party, a micro political party in Australia. Todd loves all things technology and specializes in the convergence and integration of technology. He works now with businesses and non-profit organizations grow their brands with smart social media marketing. He was the marketing guru behind Sea Shepherd on “Whale Wars” when they had almost no marketing budget.

Omar Todd and his friends in Australia founded the WikiLeaks Party there to support WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s failed bid for a seat in the Australian Senate in the 2013 election. Assange and the WikiLeaks Party won 0.66% of the national vote. Assange himself was a national council member with Omar Todd, along with Matt Watt, Gail Malone, and John Shipton. At the time the WikiLeaks Party registered with the Australian government, in March 2013, the party had over 1300 dues-paying members. The party is libertarian in its ideology. Its platform in 2013 included an introduction of a national shield law in order to protect a reporter’s right not to reveal a source and generally protecting the rights of whistleblowers the promotion of free information.

Omar Todd has produced several films in his career centered on the WikiLeaks Party and its ideology over his long career. He now lives and works in Los Angeles and specializes in social media marketing as well as the Global Technical Director for Sea Shepherd.

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